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Sunday 20 May 2018

Flavorful Foil-Wrapped Potatoes on the BBQ (or oven)

This is one of my favorite potato recipes for the BBQ in warm months.  The best part is that it cooks relatively quickly because the potatoes are all diced.   You want to make sure to tightly seal the wrapped potatoes by pinching foil together well, then double wrapping the entire package.  This helps avoid leaks from the oil or butter onto the grill if you prefer to flip your potato packages over for even browning, though this isn't necessary.
twice wrapped potatoes on the BBQ
Potatoes and toppings, ready for the BBQ! 

Flavorful Foil-Wrapped Potatoes on the BBQ (or oven)

The amount of potatoes you dice and fill in packages is entirely up to you.  I would aim for a small handful of potatoes per package, so you have something like what looks like the picture above.  You want to be able to pull together the foil and pinch and roll it tightly to seal well along all ends.   Then, double-wrap your entire package in another layer of heavy duty foil.  If you've done this well, you can flip your package during cooking to get even browning on your potatoes.

*Don't overfill. You want your layer of potatoes to lie relatively flat, even when the foil has been pinched/sealed together.

Place on pieces of foil:
potatoes, diced
shallots, sliced
green onions, sliced
drizzle of olive oil
topped with a couple thin slabs of butter
salt (lightly, if your butter is salted)

Tightly wrapped packages can be cooked on a barbeque that's heated to approximately 400 F over direct heat.  Cook for 25-30 minutes, then slice open and cook an additional 5-10 minutes, until desired crispness. You can stir them around a bit at this time, if necessary.  If desired (and your package is well sealed) you can flip after ~15-20 minutes of cooking, but it's not necessary.   Sometimes I open the packages and let them cook a bit longer on the BBQ to get a little more crispiness to the potatoes.

You can also cook these in a regular oven at 400 F for ~30 minutes, or until desired crispness.

Open carefully, as foil packets will be hot!  Enjoy!
I usually make between 2-3 foil packages if we have company.  Otherwise two is plenty for a hearty family meal.  Great alongside any summer BBQ meal! 

Monday 14 May 2018

Delicious Cinnamon Rolls in a Mixer!

One of the things I strive to do as I rework recipes again and again is find ways to save myself time, while still maintaining or improving on taste and texture in my gluten-free baking.  These cinnamon rolls are a hit! And, the best part is they can be mixed easily in the mixer!   Wet hands help smooth out any sticky spots and doesn't affect the rise or bake of the rolls.  They end up nice and fluffy and absolutely delicious. Enjoy! 
Gluten Free Cinnamon Rolls fresh out of the oven and piped immediately with cream cheese frosting.  Delicious! 

Cinnamon Rolls in a Mixer
Makes 1 large tray of cinnamon rolls or 2 large trays of more spaced out cinnamon rolls, as in the picture above. (about 2 1/2 dozen rolls, depending how you slice them)

In a mixer, combine:
2 cups brown rice flour
1 cup sorghum flour (or additional brown or white rice flour)
3/4 cup arrowroot starch
1/4 cup potato starch
1/4 cup tapioca starch
1/2 cup white sugar
3 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
1 1/2 tsp salt
4 tsp rapid/quick rise yeast

Then add the following:
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup milk, warmed
1/2 cup water (plus an additional 1-2 T, only if needed after beating 1-2 minutes)
3 eggs

Begin to mix slowly, then increase the speed and beat at medium to medium-high speed for 4 minutes.

Roll out the dough between pieces of plastic wrap until you have a large square, approximately 12" x 20" .  I like to overlap pieces of plastic wrap both for the bottom and top pieces when I roll out the dough.

Fill a small bowl with water that you can use to moisten hands or the cutting knife anytime the dough gets too sticky.

Carefully remove the top layer of plastic wrap, using wet hands to help remove any spots that might be sticking to the plastic wrap.

Mix together the following filling and spread as best you can over the dough:
1/4 cup butter, melted
3/4 cup dark brown sugar
2 Tbsp cinnamon

Roll up the dough into a log, using the plastic wrap to help, and wet fingers for any sticky spots.

Dip the knife into water before cutting 1" slices and placing them on one or two parchment-paper lined cookie sheets. (spaced farther apart, you will need two pans, spaced closer together, you'll need a only one pan).

Set rolls to rise uncovered in a warm location.  They tend to not quite double in size, but get nice and puffy.
I find they don't quite double in size, but they should look noticeably swollen.

Bake at 350 F for ~17-20 minutes, until light golden brown.
The pan on the left was one of two pans of rolls, the pan on the right was the whole batch squeezed onto one cookie sheet.  Both work well! 

Cream Cheese Frosting: 
Mix together until smooth, then put in a ziploc bag, snip the corner and pipe on top of fresh cinnamon rolls or just spread with the back of a spoon or knife on top of rolls:
2 Tbsp butter, softened (almost melted)
2-3 oz cream cheese, softened 
1 1/2 - 2 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste
teaspoons of milk, slowly added to desired consistency

You can immediately pipe cream cheese frosting over the warm rolls if you want frosting that melts into the rolls, or you can let them cool a bit a then pipe on the frosting for a neater look. 
This icing was piped onto mostly cooled cinnamon rolls.  I usually try to pipe it on right out of the oven so it melts a bit into the cinnamon rolls. 

Thursday 3 May 2018

Tasty Herb & Spice Shrimp (or Scallop) Parcels

This is a wonderfully easy recipe, with lots of delicious flavors - ginger, cilantro, lime, chili.  The hardest part of the recipe is putting together all the ingredients for the sauce.  But it's definitely worth it!  You can make them in packets in the oven OR on the BBQ OR just pan fry the shrimp and sauce on the stove-top.  ** I've made these shrimp packets scampi-style, too, with large amounts of fresh minced garlic, parsley, and butter in packets, too. **  These are deliciously flavorful and an easy dinner to whip together.  Enjoy!

Tasty Herb & Spice Shrimp Parcels
based off a recipe from Fresh Indian by Sunil Vijayakar (a wonderful little Indian cookbook)
Serves ~6

Preheat oven to 400F.  Make enough rice for 6 servings.

Put the following in a food processor and blend until you have a coarse puree:
3 - 4 garlic cloves, minced
1 - 2 tsp grated fresh ginger root
5 - 6 green onions, coarsely chopped
6 Tbsp chopped fresh cilantro OR 2 Tbsp cilantro puree
1 cup coconut milk
1 - 2 red chili peppers (for spice), chopped
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
3/4 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp turmeric
zest and juice of 1 lime
1 1/2 tsp brown sugar
pinch salt

To cook in the oven or on the BBQ: 
Mix sauce with 2 1/2 - 3 pounds raw jumbo shrimp (shells removed).  You can also mix with scallops or just make scallops instead of shrimp.  

Separate mixture onto four 12"  double-layered foil squares.  Crimp the tops and sides to make an enclosed parcel.

Lay the parcels on a baking sheet and bake at 400F for about 15-20 minutes OR place packets on pre-heated BBQ and bake 15-20 minutes, until your shrimp have turned pink and are cooked through.

Remove the parcels.  Open and serve immediately over basmati rice.  Enjoy!

To cook on the stove-top:
Heat over medium-high heat:
1 Tbsp oil

Add  2 1/2 - 3 pounds raw jumbo shrimp (shells removed) and cook 1-2 minutes.  Add herb/spice sauce from above, lower heat to medium and cook, stirring regularly until shrimp are cooked through and sauce has had a chance to bubble nicely for about 5-10 minutes.

Serve immediately over basmati rice. Enjoy!