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Monday 20 May 2013

Tasty Banana Pudding

Banana pudding is one of those desserts I often forget about making, but when I remember, I am always wondering why I don't make it more often. It's so delicious and easy to make!  Whip up a batch of Kristin's homemade vanilla pudding, add ripe bananas, and you have a wonderfully delicious dessert! Enjoy!

Banana Pudding
Serves 6-8
You’ll need about 4-6 fresh, ripe bananas (not over-ripe!)
Take out either one big bowl OR several individual serving-sized bowls.
Line the bottom of the bowl with fresh banana slices. 
These were mini-dessert size - perfect for little kids
Place homemade vanilla pudding over the top of banana slices, making sure to fully cover.
Make sure your bananas are fully covered by the pudding, otherwise they can turn brown, which you don't want.

If serving later, cover the bowl(s) and place in the refrigerator (up to 24 hrs) until ready to serve.
To serve:
Put plenty of fresh banana slices on top, serve and enjoy!

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