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Monday 13 March 2017

Delicious Gluten Free Oatmeal Whoopie Pies

These gluten free whoopie pies are so fun and delicious!  Easy to whip together, and loved by young and old around here.  They even seem like the sort of dessert a leprechaun could play a trick on and turn the filling green for St. Patrick's Day!   You can make these with puffy cookies, or flatten for a more "Little Debbie's" oatmeal pie sort of taste.  I love that these last well, too, so you can easily make them up to a couple days in advance of serving them and they'll still be delicious!  Enjoy!
gluten free Oatmeal Whoopie Pies
Gluten Free Oatmeal Whoopie Pies, ready to be enjoyed by all! 

Delicious Oatmeal Whoopie Pies
Makes ~15-20 sandwiched cookies, with a 1 Tbsp size scoop (you can definitely double the recipe! I have many times!

Preheat oven to 350 F.  Line cookie sheets with parchment paper or silicon liner.

In a large bowl, whisk together (it's important to mix dry ingredients separately before mixing with wet ingredients in gluten-free cooking to avoid clumping):
1 cup oats (make sure they're gluten-free if Celiac or senstive)
1 1/4 cup Kristin's Gluten Free Flour Mix
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt

Cream in a mixer:
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar

Add and mix in thoroughly:
2 XL eggs (or 3 smaller ones - I found the recipe does better with just a bit more egg than 2 large eggs provide)
1 tsp vanilla bean paste OR vanilla extract

Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Scoop 1 Tbsp scoops of batter onto parchment paper.  You can flatten these slightly before baking if you want flatter cookies.
gluten free Oatmeal Whoopie Pies  gluten free Oatmeal Whoopie Pies
Leave rounded or flatten slightly depending on how large/small/puffy/flat you want your whoopie pies! (Or make a variety, like I tend to do!) 

Bake cookies at 350 F for 7-10 minutes, more/less depending on how soft you want them.
gluten free Oatmeal Whoopie Pies

Cool on a cooling rack.  Sandwich cookies together with my favorite marshmallow frosting to make whoopie pie sandwiches!

You can serve on the day you make them, or store in a Tupperware in the refrigerator for a day or two before serving. (I've stored them on the counter for a couple days, and that worked, too! Wonderfully versatile!)  I've also made the cookies in advanced, frozen them (without filling) and then filled on the day I needed to serve them, too.  Worked perfectly! Enjoy!
gluten free Oatmeal Whoopie Pies
Yummy filled GF oatmeal whoopie pies, ready to eat! 

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