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Wednesday 28 February 2018

Gluten Free Hamentashen!

Homemade Gluten Free Hamentashen cookies!  Easy and delicious! My dad's birthday falls on the Jewish holiday of Purim this year, so in lieu of a cake, he requested homemade hamentashen!   These triangular shaped cookies are filled with either jam or poppyseed filling.  I've seen them big and fat, small and crispy, with way too little filling, and overflowing with filling.  These are a nice middle-ground.  A good balance of flaky orange-flavored cookie crust with a perfect amount of jam in the middle.   The best part it, the dough can be shaped into cookies easily without refrigeration since it's rolled out between plastic wrap.  Happy eating!
Gluten free hamentashen
Alternating peach and raspberry-filled gluten-free hamentashen.  They kept disappearing as they cooled. 
Fresh hamentashen, ready to eat! 

Gluten Free Hamentashen
Makes ~30 filled cookies.

Preheat oven to 375 F. Line three pans with parchment paper.

Beat until light and fluffy:
1/2 cup butter, softened
3 oz cream cheese, softened
3 Tbsp sugar

Add and beat in until smooth:
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp orange zest
1 drop lemon essential oil (I like the DoTerra lemon essential oil for cooking)

Mix in a small bowl  before adding to wet ingredients:
1 1/2 cup Kristin's Gluten-Free Flour Mix
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
1/4 tsp salt

Mix dough together until smooth.   Most recipes recommend chilling, but I find because I am making these rolled between plastic wrap, I can just make them right away without any refrigeration. 

Scoop 1 Tbsp scoops onto plastic wrap.  Place another piece of plastic wrap on top and gently roll with rolling pin into a circle of about 3 - 4" diameter (I roll one way partly, then turn and roll the other way until it's a circle).
Rolled out between plastic wrap - no sticking, no mess!
Place 1 tsp jam of your choice in the center. (High quality jam is recommended - I used a homemade raspberry jam and a peach jam for these.  You can also fill with a poppyseed filling, which is more traditional.) 
Neatly folded hamentashen. Just use the plastic wrap to help fold and pinch edges/corners.  
Pick up carefully and place on the parchment-lined pan.
Use the plastic wrap to help you fold and pinch sides of the cookie inward, folding up three times to make a triangular cookie.  Carefully use your fingers to gently transfer the filled cookie to a parchment-paper lined baking pan.   Repeat until you have 12 cookies on a tray.
A tray ready to bake!
Bake cookies at 375 F for 16-18 minutes.   I like to make up another tray while the first are baking.
Some jam will bubble up and over the cookies, but this is fine.  After you move them to the tray the jam will just be left on the parchment paper. 
After removing from oven, let the cookies rest 3-4 minutes before removing to a cooling tray to cool completely.
Cooling cookies! Yum! 

If you're not serving on the same day, store cooled cookies in a tightly sealed container.  They'll be just as delicious day 2!  Enjoy! 
The cookie dough was wonderfully flaky, as you can see here. 

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