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Saturday 4 May 2019

Tasty Tuna Fish Salad for my Cousin Jake (and everyone else, too)

Every time I mix together tuna fish salad, it ends up slightly different.  It depends on my mood.  It depends on the ingredients in my refrigerator.  But, the version below is a pretty common version that I like to whip together.  I have another tasty tuna fish recipe I've posted here.  I'm a fan of packing lots of vegetables into dishes.  It's great made into tuna melts.  I also like to make a large batch of tuna, so we have leftovers.  My cousin requested this particular version of my tuna fish salad after coming over for lunch.  Here you go, Jake!  Enjoy!
tuna fish salad - tuna melt
Tasty tuna salad, made into tuna melts on homemade onion rolls (with a bit of garlic added, too), served with fresh spinach.  I used a Vermont cheddar on the left and an herb edged mozzarella on the right.  

Tasty Tuna Fish Salad

Tuna is forgiving, so adjust amounts to your personal preference (aka, more/less vegetables, as desired).  In a large bowl, mix together:

3 tins light tuna fish, drained
2 carrots, grated
2 stalks celery, finely diced
1/4 dill pickle, finely diced
4-5 green onions, thinly sliced
2 dashes salt
2 dashes pepper
1-2 dashes ground paprika
1-2 dashes garlic powder
~1/2 cup mayonnaise (more/less, depending on how you like your tuna salad, I usually add by large dollops, mix and re-evaluate)

Mix together the tuna salad.  Taste, and adjust with more salt/pepper/paprika/garlic, as desired.

Delicious heated as tuna melts:

Heat oven to 425 F.  Split homemade onion rolls (with a bit of garlic added, too) onto a parchment-lined baking sheet.  *(You can make this on whatever bread/rolls you have around/enjoy eating - I've made it on all sorts of breads/rolls/focaccia/naan).  Put scoops of tuna salad on the center of each roll.  Top generously with desired cheese (I love a sharp cheddar, herb-crusted mozzarella, havarti, munster, etc. I even make these with dairy-free cheese for my grandma and she loves them).  Bake until heated through and cheese is just beginning to bubble and brown.  Serve with fresh spinach or salad on the side.  Enjoy! 

Gluten Free Tuna Fish Salad Recipe by Successfully Gluten Free

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